Welcome to Structure
The fundamental authority of the Board of the Culture and Environment and Preservation Association (CEPA) is the stewardship of the organization on behalf of the members and other stakeholders. The detail scope and authority of the Board determined as follows:
1. Protect and enhance the vision, mission, value and code of conduct of the organization.
2. Provide direction to the total affairs of the organization to ensure its development and financial sustainability and to enhance the value of its products and services to its constituents.
3. Assure the quality, depth, and continuity of management required to attain the organization’s major strategic and operational objectives.
4. Oversee the conduct of the organization’s affairs and supervise management, which is responsible for the day-to-day conduct of the tasks. In supervising the conduct of the organization’s affairs, the Board, through the Executive Director, sets the standards of conduct for the organization.
5. Approve amended statute and by-laws, strategic plan, program and project, policies, rules and regulation, discipline, operational manual, annual work plan and budget (AWPB) and quarterly operational plan and budget …etc.
6. Engage, negotiate and sign a financial agreement or contract with donors, partners, charity groups, company or corporations and others…etc.
7. Authorize and approve cash inflow and outflow of the CEPA’s bank account and CEPA’s cheque valued start from three thousands US dollar (US$ 3,000).
8. Issue, declare and circulate the termination notice of CEPA’s Executive Director based on the decision made by the board.
9. Form required committees of the board and necessary working groups
10. Declare to dissolve CEPA in consultation with and endorsement by CEPA’s founders in term of downfall of value, deficit of operational budget and resources and illegal act…etc.